The building appeared on the cadastral records on 1736. It was called Cà Lasagna.
In 1955 the family Bolla Agostino & Martinelli Maria Jose went to live in the Villa Cà Lasagna, where they gave birth to their 7 children. Dad Agostino died in 1981 and Mrs. Maria Jose in 2004. Her desire was to leave to her daughter Paola a small part of the Villa Ca’ Lasagna. In 2013 Paola Bolla and her husband Gabriel decided to renew the small property and turn it into a holiday house.
The name “3 Lasagne” is inspired by the street name and the house number.
The restoration was projected by Arch. Nazario Berti (scholar of Palladio) of Vicenza.
The restoration works were run by the company of Bruno De Santi & C of Barbarano Vic.